What to Expect
Patients should expect a welcoming environment
Dr. Shah’s humble personality is reflected in how the office operates. Though surgery is serious business, individuals should be treated with warmth and respect. Honesty is a hallmark of respect. Sometimes modern medicine doesn’t have all of the answers but Dr. Shah will always give his honest opinion. Because the office is low volume, it allows for a boutique experience.
To decrease anxiety, an organized protocol has been in operation for over twenty years. Prospective patients will have an “introductory” phone call with one of the staff. During this call the staff will introduce basic policies and procedures such as fees, the schedule for the day of consultation and options for accommodations during one’s visit to St. Petersburg. They will also reiterate the practice focus and the general pathology Dr. Shah treats. Patient’s will be able to discuss their symptoms but absolutely no medical advice will be given by the staff. Often, patients will get to know the staff and insurance coordinator months before their first visit!